Kambaba Jasper Human Skull (KamJ03)
Kambaba Jasper is called The Stone of Gentle Healing as it is known to have a soothing effect on frayed nerves and anxious states of mind. By soothing the mental and emotional bodies, the physical body can also receive healing by experiencing a state of contentment. Kambaba Jasper helps to keep us grounded and clear headed, it also offers us the vibration of Protective energy.
It is a great choice for gardenders, especially those who are interested in following the cycles of the moon within their gardening schedules. Kambaba Jasper is said to assist the growth cycles of plants.
Kambaba Jasper vurates to the number 4, it is associated with Pisces and Taurus.
Weight: 716 grams
Size: 10.5cm x 8cm
REF: KamJ03